Learn Online: The Future of Learning

Apprendre en ligne:  L'avenir de l'apprentissage

It was autumn. My classes started at 6:00 p.m. I was going to have 8 months of courses in this way in order to obtain my AEC Webmestre. Let me tell you how much I enjoyed this training and the benefits I found in it.

In fact, after a short supper, I could go to my office room, dressed in soft clothes, while staying at home and drinking herbal tea. No need to move, especially with the strong autumn winds and the rain! The formula is therefore very comfortable!

Unlike traditional training, I could pause or even replay a part that I misunderstood. So, instead of there being gaps in my knowledge, I could now master ALL the material: No more learning in Swiss cheese holes!

Moreover, some friends admitted to me that they were happy not to hear “do you understand? phrase that refers to his ability to understand.

The lessons were divided in such a way as to keep my attention constant and the evaluation was stress-free since it was done as I learned.

I finally completed an AEC in Webmaster just as recognized as one done in class!

I can't recommend this way of learning enough, which facilitates the organization, speed and efficiency of this learning medium. If a surgeon can now operate remotely via the Internet, I believe that there are only a few things left that cannot be learned remotely!

Steve Marcoux, MBA


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