
SecurMedic helps people save lives!

On a November night in 1991, SecurMedic's founder, Mr. Steeve Marcoux, was unable to intervene when a little girl was hit by a car. At that moment, he experienced what anyone might have when not knowing what to do: guilt, remorse and if I had only known...

It was from this painful experience that he decided to master first aid. He pushed his training to the point of becoming an instructor in emergency care, rescue and CPR. Then, to prevent others from becoming helpless, he started SecurMedic. Since 1995, tens of thousands of people have followed suit to save the world around them!

Superior quality products, more resistant and durable

As a leading intervention company, we offer high quality hypoallergenic products, packaged using new plastic packaging processes. In addition to being water resistant, this ensures that the products are sterile for an additional year. Customers save money because they don't have to change the kits every 3 years but every 4 years. This represents a saving of 25% compared to products sold in supermarkets!

Guaranteed satisfaction

In addition to a 30-day no-questions-asked refund policy, a fair pricing policy and a much higher quality, all purchases are covered by a 4-year warranty.