Participating shelters
Welcome to the Expired First Aid Products Take Back Program. This program was designed to promote sustainability and reduce the environmental impact of medical waste. Indeed, a large portion of first aid products, once they reach their expiration date, are often thrown away, contributing to pollution and degradation of our planet.
In an effort to minimize this problem, we have partnered with animal shelters that are willing to receive your expired first aid products. These shelters can benefit from these products, allowing them to better care for animals in need. This partnership not only helps reduce waste, but it also supports important animal welfare causes.
Here is the list and addresses of partner shelters to which you can send your expired first aid products:
It’s important to note that expired first aid products may still have value in certain situations. For example, bandages, compresses, and other supplies may be used in non-medical settings, such as temporary care for injured animals. By participating in this program, you’re contributing to a worthy cause while disposing of your products responsibly.
By participating in this program, you are making a significant contribution to the environment and animal welfare. For more information about the recovery program or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Together, we can make a positive difference for our planet and for the animals in need.